O yeah Media Manufactured!
O yeah Media Manufactured! The day after this article was written, 183 people would lose their lives, Including 13 Americans. Did the intelligencer apologize for this article? Did Eric Levitz admit he was 100% wrong? Any idea how many are still left behind?
The Biden Administration told us that the Afghan Government would not fall, however the author plays it up as inevitable and America people should have known better? Remember kids we should always look for the bright spots; always be optimists when it comes to Democrat policies, give them the benefit of the doubt but remember Republicans are bad and pick apart every word they say.
Eric Levitz you seem to be ok with people “presenting editorial judgments as factual ones” when it comes to Trump. You even admit you did the same thing with Bush but it was ok because you could have made reasoned arguments supporting your biases? “Journalism” has been dead for years. Here is my “reasonable argument”, we needed to get out of Afghanistan but leaving hundreds behind, after promising them safety, and the Kabul terrorist attack, due to our troops withdrawing, is not a success.
Direct Quotes:
America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has yet to cost our nation a single casualty. Evacuations of U.S. citizens and allies from Kabul’s airport are proceeding at a faster pace than the White House had promised, or than its critics had deemed possible.
On the streets of Kabul, “order and quiet” have replaced “rising crime and violence.” Meanwhile, the Taliban is negotiating with former Afghan president Hamid Karzai over the establishment of “an inclusive government acceptable to all Afghans.”
It could have done (and should now do) more to facilitate the mass resettlement of Afghan refugees. But as far as conclusions to multi-decade wars go, America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan is thus far proceeding with relatively little chaos and tragedy.
It has long been apparent that America’s exit from Afghanistan would be tantamount to the Taliban’s victory. U.S. intelligence officials may have been excessively optimistic about the Afghan government’s staying power, but even they thought the government in Kabul would collapse within two years of America’s retreat. Simply put, there is no proud way to lose a war to a cult of heroin-dealing child rapists (especially when your side in that war featured no small number of men who fit a similar description).
Before its collapse, the Afghan government had pressured the United States to limit its evacuation efforts, so as to avoid broadcasting the message that America deemed a Taliban victory inevitable.
Mainstream coverage of Kabul’s fall and its aftermath has been anything but circumspect. Attempts to weigh the benefits of America’s withdrawal against its costs have been rare; attempts to judge Biden’s execution of that withdrawal against rigorous counterfactuals have been rarer still.
This is the sort of commentary one expects from jingoists on right-wing radio, not high-ranking reporters at major networks.
At the same time, CNN’s chief foreign correspondent Clarissa Ward saw fit to present her own pessimistic hunches
The point is merely that he is presenting editorial judgments as factual ones.
Those views may bespeak the biases of a millennial progressive whose formative years were spent gawking at George W. Bush’s war crimes and reading Noam Chomsky’s lectures. I cannot always prevent my ideological commitments from blinkering my vision. But I can be transparent about those commitments, and test my biased intuitions against the rigors of reasoned argument.
One can critically report on concrete failings in the Biden administration’s withdrawal plans. But one cannot presume Biden’s responsibility for every negative consequence that follows from ending a misbegotten war and deserve the title journalist.
#USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #Biden #Afghanistan #MAGA
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