One of BLM early works. One of BLM early works. I completely agree with Murphy, that is no reason for an arrest. However CNN & Snopes both confirmed Freddie Gray had a rap sheet of 20 criminal court cases, the majority involved selling illegal substances. Selling drugs, suspected of being a street-level drug dealer, who was most likely violating his probation and then resisted officer’s instructions and then arrest, should be enough to interact with Gray. AGAIN! Something weird happened in the back of that van. I truly believe the officers were “grossly negligent” and Gray should be healthy and living out his life behind bars. If we can find common ground on that AND that the violence that took place after his death was wrong, THEN we can have a productive conversation on the events. I always found it interesting that this was turned into a racial, political movement. The majority of the 6 officers were minorities, did their lives matter? Direct Quotes: