See, Snopes has to pretend to be a legitimate new source,

See, Snopes has to pretend to be a legitimate new source, so they address the story as a fact check, write just a few paragraphs and then get back to the Trump hating. It’s a get in and out job!

Direct Quotes:

It's true that Biden mistakenly mentioned Mitterrand's name when the real French President he spoke with was Emmanuel Macron.

You know, right — right after I was elected, I went to what they call a G7 meeting, all the NATO leaders.  And it was in — it was in the south of England.  And I sat down and I said, “America is back.”

And Mitterrand [Macron], from Germany — I mean, from France looked at me and said — said, “You know, what — why — how long you back for?”  (Laughter.)  And I looked at him, and the — and the Chancellor of Germany said, “What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the paper tomorrow in the London Times, and London Times said, ‘A thousand people break through the House of Commons, break down the doors, two Bobbies are killed in order to stop the election of the Prime Minister.’  What would you say?”

Mitterrand died in 1996 after serving two seven-year terms as the president of France, from 1981 through 1995.

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