Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be around to see this.



Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be around to see this. The fact that it aligns perfectly with the year the lease on the building named after her great-great grandmother it up I got a feeling it’s in reference to that.

Direct Quotes:

Queen Elizabeth II penned a top-secret letter to residents of Sydney, Australia — and it won’t be opened until the year 2085.

The edifice, which was originally built in 1898 and is named after the queen’s great-great grandmother Victoria

composed the correspondence back in 1986 to celebrate the restoration of the city’s Queen Victoria Building

The contents of the queen’s letter are unclear, but it will likely thank Sydney residents for saving and refurbishing the historic building, after it was almost demolished to make way for a parking lot.

Back in 1986, a Malaysian company signed a 99-year lease on the building, taking their contract up to 2085 — the same year the queen’s correspondence is to be opened and made public.


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