It’s interesting not much has changed within the leadership of the NFL but

It’s interesting not much has changed within the leadership of the NFL but a lot of the virtue signaling is not in the spot light this year. Does $300 million fix all these “systemic” issues within the NFL? 

Direct Quotes:

The NFL today announced that social justice contributions from the NFL Family have surpassed $300 million, all in support of the league's Inspire Change initiative.

"The NFL Family is proud to have contributed more than $300 million to support social justice efforts in communities across the country, but our work is far from over," said Anna Isaacson, NFL Senior Vice President, Social Responsibility. "The positive impact of this work is being felt every day, and we are committed to continuing our efforts with players, clubs, and our Inspire Change grant partners to break down barriers to opportunity and end systemic racism."

Alabama Appleseed Center for Law and Justice is one organization that's using funds from their Inspire Change grant to make a difference -- helping to free 13 over-sentenced individuals, like Lee Davis Jr.

#USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #BLM #NFL #InspireChangeInitiative


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