After reading all of Jesus teachings how can “affirm” sinful behavior. 

After reading all of Jesus teachings how can “affirm” sinful behavior. Jesus prayed with the prostitutes, tax collectors, liars, deceivers, the sick and the outcast. You can love someone and treat someone as you would like to be treated with accountability and love within a personal relationship.

It’s interesting that the school “anticipated” a dip in funding. They knew that celebrating sin would cause conflict in true believers souls and the donors would have a difficult decision to make. In this article a mothers says that Christians interpretation of the bible is a discrepancy, I would love to hear her interoperation of Romans 1&2 and Jesus conversations with prostitutes and all of us sinners. This is not a “we are better then you” idea, it’s an idea that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God and we all must admit and accept that.

 Direct Quotes

A conflict over what it means to be Christian is forcing a school in Kansas City, Missouri, to close.

The school’s mission statement has always stressed inclusivity in general terms, noting that following Jesus "opens up doors and makes room at the table." But last year it added a paragraph to its website, which read in part, "We are an affirming school. We stand with the LGBTQIA+ community and believe in their holiness. We celebrate the diversity of God's creation in all its varied and beautiful forms."

Kalie Callaway-George, UCA’s executive director and co-founder, said this new language "is kind of what started the backlash from our donor base, which we anticipated. It was just that we anticipated a 50% loss in funding and made adjustments for that. We had an 80% loss in funding and that was too much to overcome."

With that engagement came questions about sexuality and inclusion plus an awareness among school administrators of high suicide rates among adolescents struggling with those very questions. So UCA concluded that publicizing its supportive stance was necessary for students dealing with those issues to feel welcome and safe.

Callaway-George called it "a life-saving endeavor," adding, "We wanted our families and our kids to know where we stood and to be really clear about that."

"I am LGBTQ-affirming and I identify as Christian," she told ABC News. While sympathetic to what she calls "a discrepancy in biblical interpretation," she said "it's unfortunate that children who have nothing to do with the argument are the ones that are going to suffer because of it."

As Rob Philips of the Missouri Baptist Convention, a network of 1,800 churches in the state, explained to ABC News, "to embrace desires and behaviors that are outside of scripture is not ultimately loving and caring." Philips said it is unlikely that any of the convention’s member churches would have supported the school.

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