Are these the same “world leaders” who provided all that life saving, 100% accurate, Covid information?

Are these the same “world leaders” who provided all that life saving, 100% accurate, Covid information? If we are so worried about rising seas, why did Obama buy water front property? I will give the WAPO some credit, at least they acknowledge China’s and India’s role in Climate Change

I would encourage our leaders to lead by example. There are 4 things you have to completely 100% agree with to not be considered a climate denier, you can’t deny a single one. First you have to agree that climate change exists, you have agree that humans are the cause, third you have to agree that is can be reversed and lastly you have to agree that our current politicians and world leaders can all agree and guide that reversal.

Direct Quote:

The United Nations warned Friday that based on the most recent action plans submitted by 191 countries to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the planet is on track to warm by more than 2.7 degrees Celsius by the end of the century — far above what world leaders have said is the acceptable upper limit of global warming.

Even a lower increase would mean millions of people losing their homes to rising seas

But the U.N. warned that if other nations — including China and India — did not submit new, more ambitious plans and continued on their current paths, greenhouse gas emissions would increase by 16 percent by the end of the decade.

Many of the biggest emitters, such as China, India and Turkey, have yet to formally commit to a 2030 emissions reduction target. Equally worrying, Brazil and Mexico both put forward weaker emissions targets than the ones they submitted five years ago. Russia said it could emit more in 2030 than it does now.

Methane is the world’s second-most prevalent greenhouse gas and, in the short term, is about 85 times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the planet.

#USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #WAPO


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