Why is Trump not responsible for the economic success during his administration?
Why is Trump not responsible for the economic success during his administration? Still in 2023 everything bad is Trump’s fault and everything good is Biden.
In 2020 many praised Obama for the economic success. Any sort of consistency would be nice from Democrats.
Direct Quotes:
A 77 percent majority of black Americans say Trump deserves “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5 percent unemployment rate among black adults compared with 20 percent who say Trump deserves significant credit.
In follow-up interviews, many said former president Barack Obama deserves more credit for the improvement in the unemployment rate, which declined from a high of 16.8 percent in 2010 to 7.5 percent when he left office.
The unemployment rate — including for black Americans — has been steadily decreasing since 2011. This continued after Trump took office, suggesting there isn’t much evidence he is single-handedly responsible for the decline. One might argue Trump deserves praise for overseeing the continued drop in unemployment, as he could have made harmful decisions that reversed the direction of the economy. But again, factors beyond the president’s actions also helped keep the economy moving in the right direction.
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