
Showing posts from February, 2023

How can they say this?

  Fact check: Posts mislead about VP Harris' response to question about migrant influx Posts criticizing VP Kamala Harris for laughing when asked if she would visit the border lack context. She went on to discuss the issue's se NEWS.YAHOO.COM How can they say this? You can go watch the video for yourself. O wait it’s missing context. That does not make any sense because in the quote of the interaction the author even says “and laughed”. This interaction is insignificant now because not only has she done nothing to help the boarder crisis, she has also laughed at far worse times.   Direct Quote: On March 22, Harris laughed when asked if she planned to visit the border. “Not today,” she said and laughed. “But I have before and I’m sure I will again.” On March 24, President Joe Biden announced Harris will lead a federal effort to deter migrants from coming to the U.S. border seeking asylum.

Why is he given so much leeway?

  Fact check: Biden honored service members killed in Kabul, checked watch during ceremony Footage shows Biden bowing and putting his hand over his heart as 11 caskets are carried into gray vans. Photos also show him looking at his USA TODAY Why is he given so much leeway? Democrats, just exchange the word Biden for Trump in this entire article, would you rate it the same? Of course not, ever single rumor that could not be verified would be listed within this article as fact and it would be listed as mostly true. USA Today had to make a CORRECTION on this event! They didn’t even take the time to get all the facts. They originally rated this partly false while there was video evidence confirming he looked at his watch. It’s interesting that they make sure to state they cannot independently verify witness accounts of the ceremony I don’t think Biden was purposefully disrespectful I think he is sick and does not have a full understanding of what he is doing / saying. These favorable r...

And it’s only gotten worse.

'Heartbreaking': Republicans slam Biden for migrant influx, while Democrats call on Biden to quickly move children to sponsors Republicans and Democrats have called the situation on the border a “crisis,” a term the White House has refused to use. USA TODAY And it’s only gotten worse. Shouldn’t Democrats want to stop the weapons crossing the border? I thought they hated guns. It is nice to see some law makers interested in taking a look at what is actually happening on the border. I wonder what would happen if Republicans did not bring attention to this crisis. It sounds like in this article Democrat lawmakers witnessed children being separated from their families. Direct Quotes:                 Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, both of Texas, led a group of more than a dozen Republican senators to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. That area is seeing some of the largest numbers of migrants crossing into the Uni...

When a left leaning media source does not list a race we should just assume it’s not a white man. When a left leaning media source does not list a race we should just assume it’s not a white man. I remember them finding out very quickly in this case WHY this gunman killed 4 people. They never mention the suspect's race or gender once but there is extensive amount of information on the weapons and a history lesson on violent racially motivated events one that happened 101 years ago. Almost comically the article references several other mass shooting, their gender and race. It almost appears that they go out of their way to find excuses for the Tulsa Hospital shooter, focus on gun control AND find other items to discuss rather then this shooting. Can we find common ground that anyone wanting to bring physical harm to anyone for any reason should be locked away and unable to gain access to weapons but law abiding citizens should still be able to own weapons? How we enforce that is a totally differ...

If you are on board with this article please don’t ever use the length of time something has been established as a precedent.

  Aunt Jemima Has a New Name After 131 Years: The Pearl Milling Company (Published 2021) Quaker Oats announced it would drop the name Aunt Jemima last summer after the killing of George Floyd and the widespread protests over raci NYTIMES.COM If you are on board with this article please don’t ever use the length of time something has been established as a precedent. Even is something has been around for 50 years, if it’s wrong it’s wrong. We now have to change the names on pancake batter? Just to be clear ALL symbols of “Old South” is racial injustice? Or do we just kinda pick and choice? The brand was never seen as homage to African American cooking and culture? Can we remove Snap, Crackle, Pop and the Lucky Charms Leprechaun because it obviously pokes fun at little people and the Irish? Direct Quotes:                 It has been a staple of American breakfast tables for more than a century, but has lon...

New Episode Today. New Episode Today. Breaking down an old NPR podcast Episode.

New Episode Today. Is NPR really unbiased?

The Chubby Caucasian Christian Closeted Conservative This is Johnny The Chubby Caucasian Christian Closeted Conservative. Some Might say I'm everything wrong with the world, but don't take thei GOOGLE PODCASTS New Episode Today. Is NPR really unbiased? #USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #NPR #LindyHop #Podcast

According to NPR, even if you master a dance, due to the color of your skin you might be carrying on a tradition that you cannot consider your own.

  The Chubby Caucasian Christian Closeted Conservative • A podcast on Anchor This is Johnny The Chubby Caucasian Christian Closeted Conservative. Some Might say I'm everything wrong with the world, but don't take thei ANCHOR According to NPR, even if you master a dance, due to the color of your skin you might be carrying on a tradition that you cannot consider your own. They completely missed the story of unity and peace and they choose to divide and play identity politics. #USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #NPR #LindyHop #Podcast

Tomorrow we will break down this Episode.

Rough Translation: May We Have This Dance? : Up First Lindy Hop is a Black dance born in Harlem in the 1920s. In the past decades it has been adopted by several dance communities around the worl NPR Tomorrow we will break down this Episode. Instead of telling a beautiful story of a beautiful dance and unity, they use it to sow division and racism. Thank you so much LaTasha Barnes for your service to this county, you severed in the military and the Obama White House. I think you are a wonderful, talented and beautiful dancer and truly worthy of every single award you have won and more. You reached the pinnacle of many American’s dream by hard work and you should be proud of yourself. May we all be privileged enough to walk away from our jobs and follow our true dream and talent. It’s a shame they used this amazing story to “berate” people for the color of their skin, make no attempt to find unity, tell masters of the dance that they are carrying on a tradition but not their tradition an...

Why is Trump not responsible for the economic success during his administration? Why is Trump not responsible for the economic success during his administration? Still in 2023 everything bad is Trump’s fault and everything good is Biden. In 2020 many praised Obama for the economic success. Any sort of consistency would be nice from Democrats. Direct Quotes:                 A 77 percent majority of black Americans say Trump deserves “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5 percent unemployment rate among black adults compared with 20 percent who say Trump deserves significant credit. In follow-up interviews, many said former president Barack Obama deserves more credit for the improvement in the unemployment rate, which declined from a high of 16.8 percent in 2010 to 7.5 percent when he left office. The unemployment rate — including for black A...