Would the author apply “incapacitation” to our current president?


Would the author apply “incapacitation” to our current president? Has Joe Biden continuously shown how FIT he is for office? Why won’t the POTUS take a similar cognitive test that Trump took? Is Biden “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

This high road walking, morally superior Democrat uses such colorful language to describe Trump that I believe can also be used to describe Biden. Unlike Richard Cohen I don’t hate Joe Biden, my heart breaks for him and his family. He is a shell of his former self and being used by the progressives to push their agenda. It’s sad, does anyone care enough about this man to get him help? Nope, with Democrats the end will always justify the means. I’m more frustrated by Cohen’s blatant hypocrisy, please write an article about Biden and the 25th amendment.

Direct Quotes:

He has shown little regard for the Constitution, as exemplified by statements saying that by definition anything a president does is legal, and he is prone to vulgar statements and tactics.

There is, however, another way. Under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, the vice president, together with a “majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide” can remove the president for being “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” No doubt the mere mention of incapacitation would summon a horde of lawyers to Washington to contest it or the meaning of every term.

Since his election, Trump has done nothing to allay the concern that he is unfit for the presidency.


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