Has throwing money at our education system helped it?
Has throwing money at our education system helped it? Instead of holding schools accountable and allowing for competition within the school system, Maryland’s General assembly decided to raise taxes on citizens and throw money at the schools. This bill was passed over a year ago…have we seen improvement in our school systems? When will we be allowed to try a new strategy or even discuss looking at the situation from a different angle?
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a multibillion-dollar overhaul of the state’s public education system and two taxes that would help pay for the restructuring: a tax on digital streaming and a first-in-the-nation tax on digital ads.
The bill would set in place a 10-year plan to expand prekindergarten; increase funding to schools with a high percentage of poor, special-education or limited-English students; raise teacher pay and increase standards for teachers; and add more programs to ensure students are prepared for college and careers. Its authors say the legislation is designed to move Maryland from a “middle of the pack” system to one of the best in the world.
When he vetoed the measure last year, Hogan criticized its $4 billion-a-year price tag as too costly — especially with the coronavirus pandemic impacting state revenue. He also said it lacked accountability and a funding source.
Democrats said the bill is designed to ensure that a child receives a top education regardless of where they live, their skin color or how much their parents earn.
Republican lawmakers countered that the plan costs too much money, especially given the toll the pandemic has had on the state’s economy and Maryland families. Others questioned whether more money will result in better outcomes for students.
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