What do you think the Taliban has done to our Afghan allies?
What do you think the Taliban has done to our Afghan allies? Have they been given “free passage”(Blinken)? The New York Times estimated as high as a million allies left behind in August of 2021 and still Tens of thousands now. These people have been living in fear for over a year! They live like prisoners with no food, waiting for night to come out of hiding.
To make things even better the Biden administration has admitted most Afghans already in the states on humanitarian parole, meaning they can only stay for two years. These Afghans have applied for asylum BUT are on a huge backlog because of the other hundreds of thousands of immigrants seeking asylum. You think the backlog is due to our Southern Boarder? Why would any other country ever help us again?
Direct Quotes:
One year has now passed since former Army Capt. Jeff Trammell began exchanging text messages in the middle of the night with his one-time Afghan interpreter, desperate to get him and his family on one of the last flights out of Kabul as the U.S. withdrew and the Taliban took control of the country.
But tens of thousands who wanted to leave were left behind. Trammell’s interpreter is still in hiding, too afraid to step outside for fear he and his family will be found and executed by the Taliban.
“After Americans left Afghanistan, I passed one year of my life like a prisoner. No work, no food,” Trammell’s interpreter told NBC News. At night, the family goes to their rooftop to get their only breath of fresh air for the day, he said.
For Afghans who helped American forces but were left behind after the U.S. evacuation, the past year has been marked by fear, hiding and frustration as prospects of securing a visa, let alone a flight out, have dwindled.
The Biden administration admitted most evacuees on humanitarian parole, which allows for a two-year residency and work authorization.
Though Afghans in the U.S. can apply for asylum, which would give them a pathway to permanent legal status, they face a backlog of hundreds of thousands of cases from other immigrants seeking asylum.
Back in Afghanistan, those still seeking to come to the U.S. are largely being denied humanitarian parole by USCIS, which has stipulated that applicants must prove they would be targeted with violence if they stay in the Taliban controlled country. As of June, 93 percent of Afghans still in the country who sought humanitarian parole had been denied, according to USCIS data.
#USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #LetsGoBrandon #Taliban #PrayforAfghanistan
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