This may be true but USA Today did not have percentage of abortions to “save the mother’s life”
This may be true but USA Today did not have percentage of abortions to “save the mother’s life”. 1.5% of abortions are for rape and incest. This article states that “the most common reason” this specific doctor terminates pregnancies is due to infection. This doctor is very blessed and must work in a very red state because the USA TODAY article states 74% abort because “Having a baby would dramatically change my life”. Then placental abruption is more uncommon and of course cancer even less common. We are talking about less than 1.5% of abortions! This is not a good argument! I disagree with Reuters, the verdict should be MOSTLY TRUE because only in very rare situation is the mother’s life in danger. The split hairs with every single FactCheck related to Hunter Biden.
Direct Quotes
“Yes, there are absolutely certain medical conditions that warrant us to very urgently encourage a woman to have an abortion,” said Stacey Beck, MD and Assistant Professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Physicians
“One of the most common reasons I help women to terminate their pregnancy is because their water is broke [early in pregnancy] and they have an infection,” Beck said.
A placental abruption, which is when the placenta starts to separate from the uterus, is another condition that could fatally impact a pregnant women’s life. It is “uncommon yet a serious condition,” the Cleveland Clinic states
Pregnancy “can exacerbate underlying or preexisting conditions, like renal or cardiac disease, and can severely compromise health or even cause death,” the ACOG said
If a woman has cancer, treating her cancer in the most effective form could be limited in pregnancy.
#USA #TheChubbyCaucasianChristianClosetedConservative #ProLife #Reuters #FactCheck
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