Again I hate to quote conservative media outlets. However it’s difficult to find any other article that referenced this actual incident.

Again I hate to quote conservative media outlets. However it’s difficult to find any other article that referenced this actual incident. I would encourage everyone to watch the actual video within the article. That way you can hear it with your own ears and see with your own eyes.

This slight cognitive incident should have been a sign to the world of what was yet to come. At the time I remember being confused about why he would even acknowledge the press while shopping. It would have caught me off guard and I would have done everything to delay answering the question. The perfect answer would have been “I’ve been recently briefed on the situation and my administration will make a public statement shortly”.

This article also does a great job of addressing the Biden administrations need to call on certain reporters during press conferences. During this entire presidency this has been one of the scariest things to see.

Why won’t progressive, radical democrats require Biden to take a similar cognitive assessment that they pressured Trump to take? It’s because the exam will show impairment for age-related issues that include dementia. I don’t fault the man for taking notes after being recently briefed on an incident. A year after this incident it’s only become more and more obvious of the president’s mental decline.

If any republican president showed this amount of cognitive decline this quickly, articles of impeachment would have already been brought up. 

Direct Quotes

"I'll be in better shape to talk about it – hold on for one second," Biden said, before taking a piece of paper out of his jacket and putting on a pair of glasses. He said he had just been "briefed" on the hack, but still appeared confused by the inquiry.

Social media critics suggested that the scene again proved that Biden's mental capacities are in decline, saying he was "confused" and that the clip was "embarrassing," "pathetic" and "unbelievable." "Absolute disaster," another wrote. Others admitted feeling "sorry" for Biden.

"A convenience store worker challenged Biden more than the WH press corps ever would," added Twitchy writer Doug Powers.

In addition to appearing to struggle through scripts or talking points at multiple press conferences, Biden has been mocked for admitting that he would only be calling on reporters whose names were on the list provided to him by his team, such as he declared at the outset of his solo press conference in Geneva.

"I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on," Biden told the media in attendance. Biden has also been known to snap at the press over the course of his political career, most recently, it seems, in regards to inquiries about Russia. At his Geneva press conference after meeting with Vladimir Putin, Biden raised his voice and pointed fingers at CNN's Kaitlan Collins after she suggested that he was confident the Russian leader may change his behavior following the summit.

"I'm not confident he'll change his behavior," Biden responded. "What in the hell, what do you do all the time?"

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, the former White House physician for President Trump, has urged Biden to follow the lead of his predecessor and complete the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) – a 30-point exam that tests for memory impairment for age-related issues, including dementia and cognitive decline.

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