A PubMed study I posted before (Hormone therapy for transgender patients) stated that “estrogen therapy for transgender women is loosely based on treatments used for postmenopausal women”.


A PubMed study I posted before (Hormone therapy for transgender patients) stated that “estrogen therapy for transgender women is loosely based on treatments used for postmenopausal women”. We already looked at another PubMed study (The adverse effects of hormone replacement therapy) that proved a significant correlation in breast cancer the longer Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was used by women at age 50. Women in the study showed a 2.3% increase of relative risk of breast cancer for EACH year of use. That Study was from 1999.

This study Mayo Clinic study again shows an increase in the risk of Heart disease, Stroke, Blood clots and Breast cancer for women 60 or older who used HRT for 10 year from the onset of menopause. These same adverse effects were similar to individuals suffering from Gender Dysphoria using estrogen (Hormone therapy for transgender patients). If this is the effects HRT has on biological women I can only imagine what else it does to biological men, let alone the 49% “taking hormones not prescribed by a clinician” (Hormone therapy for transgender patients).

Again I’ll ask; brave and beautiful or possible mental illness? Should we rethink the way individuals with Gender Dysphoria are treated? Is it worth upsetting a few to save lives? Can a 16 year old or younger process and weigh pros and cons? A mental and medical physician, along with parents for minors, should be extremely involved in the transition process.

Direct Quotes:

Hormone therapy: Is it right for you?

Hormone therapy was once routinely used to treat menopausal symptoms and protect long-term health. Then large clinical trials showed health risks. What does this mean for you?


Hormone replacement therapy is medication that contains female hormones.

However, there are risks associated with using hormone therapy. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose, how long the medication is taken and your individual health risks. For best results, hormone therapy should be tailored to each person and reevaluated every so often to be sure the benefits still outweigh the risks.

What are the risks of hormone therapy?

In the largest clinical trial to date, hormone replacement therapy that consisted of an estrogen-progestin pill (Prempro) increased the risk of certain serious conditions, including:

- Heart disease

- Stroke

- Blood clots

- Breast cancer


All of these risks should be considered by you and your doctor when deciding whether hormone therapy might be an option for you.


The bottom line: Hormone therapy isn't all good or all bad

To determine if hormone therapy is a good treatment option for you, talk to your doctor about your individual symptoms and health risks. Be sure to keep the conversation going throughout your menopausal years. As researchers learn more about hormone therapy and other menopausal treatments, recommendations may change.


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