Maybe this particular Pro- Hamas rally didn’t necessarily have that exact chant but Maybe this particular Pro- Hamas rally didn’t necessarily have that exact chant but I’m sure “from the river to the sea”, “Intifada” and “Only one solution calls for a revolution” were chanted. I’m not sure the logic of “charging” Israel with “genocide” 12 days after their county is invaded and 1,200 people killed and another 200 taken hostage. Direct Quotes: The transcription is wrong. The group was chanting, “We charge you with genocide,” a phrase that’s been repeated at pro- Palestinian rallies around the country. Both the student group that organized the rally and the school’s student newspaper said there were no chants advocating the genocide of Jewish people. “PAO would like to explicitly state that this claim is false and did not happen whatsoever,” reads the post. “The chant was, ‘Israel, Israel, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.’” ...